Having realistic expectations for your relationship is important. You might not end up with the Hallmark-style partnership you see on the screen, but there are things you can do in your everyday behaviors to improve your relationship. 

You don’t have to wait for your relationship to be on rocky ground to make improvements. By prioritizing the health and well-being of your partnership, you can reap the benefits of better communication, a stronger bond, and a greater sense of intimacy. 

With that in mind, let’s cover a few simple ways to improve your relationship that you can put into practice right away. 

Set Boundaries

happy coupleIt’s not uncommon for people to think negatively of boundaries. But, when done the right way, they can make a huge difference in your relationship. 

When your partner knows exactly what you want and what you don’t want, things simply become easier. There’s less room for confusion and misinterpretations. Even if a boundary is crossed, you’re more likely to discuss it respectfully and openly because there is nothing to hide. 

Don’t be afraid to stick to the things that are important to you, and let your partner do the same. You might surprise each other with the things you’re okay with and the things you would rather leave out of your relationship. 

Be an Active Listener

Most people recognize the importance of healthy communication in a relationship. But, that includes more than just talking. It also includes more than just “hearing” your partner when they speak. 

Make sure you’re always being an active listener when your partner has something to say. It’s the right and respectful thing to do, and it will help your partner feel heard, understood, and valued. Ask questions. Use verbal and nonverbal cues to let your partner know you’re paying attention. The more invested you are in what they’re saying, the easier your communication will be. They will also be more likely to show you the same respect, in return. 

Spend Time Together

Spending quality time together might seem obvious, but think about the last time you actually did it. When did you and your partner last spend time together without getting distracted by phones, televisions, kids, or a number of other things? Maybe you’re both extremely busy and only see each other for a short time most days. 

It’s essential to prioritize time with each other in a relationship. Consider having a standing date night once a week. Or, choose to have dinner together every night without any distractions so you can focus on connection and conversation. 

Quality time builds trust and intimacy and can help you feel more connected to your partner while showing them that your relationship is a priority. 

Be Grateful

Adopting an attitude of gratitude is a great way to see your relationship from a new perspective. 

It’s easy for people to focus on the negatives in life. That includes dwelling on the things that might not be perfect in your relationship. But, if you “flip” your mindset and start to look at the things you’re grateful for, your entire attitude regarding your relationship can change. 

Think of five things each day that you’re grateful for when it comes to your relationship or your partner. Consider keeping a gratitude journal, so you can look back on those things when you’re in a rough patch. Gratitude goes a long way in helping you see things the right way. 

If you’re still looking for a way to improve your relationship, try counseling. Again, you don’t have to wait for a problem to occur to benefit from counseling or therapy. It can help you learn better communication skills, how to adopt that attitude of gratitude, and so much more. If you’re interested in more or you have any questions about couples therapy, please contact me for information or to set up an appointment. 

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