Monthly Archives: October 2024

Navigating Attachment in Relationships: A Body-Centered Approach

2024-10-29T05:43:21-06:00Couples Counseling|

Attachments are developed very early on in life. The first attachments you form as a child are with your parents or caregivers. Ideally, those are secure attachments that allow you to feel safe, loved, and cared for. 

Exploring Gestalt Therapy in Couple’s Counseling: The Power of the Present

2024-10-14T17:35:13-06:00Couples Counseling|

Gestalt therapy is a collaborative experience designed to help couples focus on awareness within their relationship. In doing so, they can recognize any underlying and unresolved issues that could be causing trouble. 

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Areas served: Broomfield, Erie, Longmont, Lafayette, Louisville, and all of Colorado online.

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