Monthly Archives: June 2014

Relationship ‘Deal Breakers’ — Breaking Through!

2020-02-12T09:47:36-07:00Couples Counseling|

There is a bottom line in every relationship, perhaps several bottom lines. A “we won’t go there” limitation is part of the emotional contract partners make with one another. But what happens when you do “go there”? In the heady beginning of a relationship you may be convinced that it will [...]

Premarital Counseling Now Prevents Marriage Counseling Later

2020-02-12T09:48:11-07:00Couples Counseling|

Why do pre-marital work?You and your partner have reached a wonderful point in your relationship. You’ve spent amazing moments learning about each other and more amazing moments embracing the realization that you want to spend your lives together. Commitment is just around the corner and you couldn’t be happier about it.So, [...]

Pull, Don’t Push – 6 Ways to Reconnect with Your Spouse

2020-02-12T09:49:10-07:00Couples Counseling|

If coming home is never the best part of your day, if your spouse’s number is no longer the most frequently called on your phone, if the TV or computer is the most interesting thing in your bedroom, if you hesitate to have a conversation with your partner because you already [...]

Attachment: How A Look at Your Past Can Help Your Future as A Couple

2020-02-12T09:49:31-07:00Couples Counseling|

You and your partner did not begin your lives when you met. You have both lived many years with other important people in your lives, learning from your individual experiences and shaping your ability to create strong bonds as an adult. And, of course, you both have been in love at [...]

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Areas served: Broomfield, Erie, Longmont, Lafayette, Louisville, and all of Colorado online.

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